Monday, February 22, 2021

1663. Congruent Circles

1 comment:

  1. Perspector of ABC and OaObOc is:

    Q = a/(a^6+a^5 (b+c)-3 a^4 (b^2+b c+c^2)-3 a^3 (b^3+b^2 c+b c^2+c^3)+2 a^2 (b^4-b^2 c^2+c^4)+2 a (b^5+b^4 c-b^3 c^2-b^2 c^3+b c^4+c^5)+3 b c (b^2-c^2)^2) : :

    Q lies on lines X(i)X(j) for these {i, j}: {21,3292}, {187,1172}, {314,6390},{468,1896}

    (6 - 9 - 13) - search numbers of Q: (3.65633649901543, 5.10568996316111, -1.58158387674966).

    Angel Montesdeoca, 23.02.2021


1989. A Circle Centered at X(5476)