Tuesday, May 18, 2021

1703. Pro-Orthiac Triangles and Concurrent Euler Lines


  1. X(1112) is Feuerbach point of orthic triangle for acute ABC.

  2. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1187682567974504&set=gm.1173840176063020

  3. Known result.
    The altitudes are bisectors of the orthic triangle.
    Therefore it is application of the following I have posted to Hyacinthos
    Let ABC be a triangle.
    Ab, Ac = the orthogonal projections of A on BI, CI, resp.
    La = the Euler line of AAbAc
    Similarly Lb, Lc
    La, Lb, Lc concur at the Feuerbach point of ABC. αντρέας χατζηπολάκης


1988. Circumcenters On Euler Line

  Let ABC be a triangle with P, Q are two points on Euler line of ABC. A',B',C' are inverse images of A,B,C through circle diame...