Friday, July 9, 2021

1738. An Inspiration Of Antreas Hatzipolakis's Problem


  1. *Using the same construction above, instead of G, we can also use X(20)-DeLongchamp's point.
    Let ABC be a triangle and L a line passing through the DeLongchamp's X(20). Denote: A' = the reflection of A in L A'b, A'c = the reflections of A' in AC, AB, resp. Similarly B'c, B'a and C'a, C'b A*B*C* = the triangle bounded by A'bA'c, B'cB'a, C'aC'b Then the circumcircle of A*B*C* touches the line L at a point T. T is the orthogonal projection of the orthocenter H on the line L.


1989. A Circle Centered at X(5476)