Sunday, January 23, 2022

1767. An Equilateral Triangle

1 comment:

  1. "1) The Euler line points such as X(21) do not produce equilaterals. But, if X = t O + (1-t) H, t ∈ R, and
    Xa = X(FBcCb), Xb = X(FAcCa), Xc = X(FAbBa),
    then triangle XaXbXc is equilateral.

    2) Everything that has been said also holds for X(14).

    Best regards,
    Elias M. Hagos"


1988. Circumcenters On Euler Line

  Let ABC be a triangle with P, Q are two points on Euler line of ABC. A',B',C' are inverse images of A,B,C through circle diame...